
CARE-MEDIFLORA & GENMEDA meet in Rome, 29-30 May 2019

13 June 2019

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The final meeting of the CARE-MEDIFLORA project team and the 3rd GENMEDA meeting supported by CARE-MEDIFLORA took place at the Botanical Garden ‘Sapienza’, Rome.

On 29 May, 10 representatives of all the CARE-MEDIFLORA partners discussed the final issues of the project in view of the project end by 30 June 2019. All the conservation targets have been achieved and soon all the final publications about the conservation actions will be available on our project website.

On 30 May, the Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres, GENMEDA, held its 3rd meeting under the support and joint with CARE-MEDIFLORA, with 22 participants and most of its current 22 members represented. The progress of the CARE-MEDIFLORA activities related to GENMEDA was presented (e.g. updates to the new GENMEDA website: and several ideas for joint project proposals and initiatives were discussed and are expected to be advanced by the next year. Two new requests for becoming members of the network were made, those of Orto Botanico dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” and of the IUCN/SCC – Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group, which are expected to be approved at the next meeting of the General Assembly of the network. So CARE-MEDIFLORA has succeeded in boosting this Mediterranean network to a potential of 24 members from the initial 13 founding members.

Special thanks are given to the Director and the staff of the Orto Botanico “La Sapienza” for accommodating the 2-day meetings on its premises.


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MAVA Foundation

Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group (IUCN/SSC) Sóller Botanical Garden Foundation, Balearic Islands Office of the Environment of Corsica - National Botanical Academy of Corsica Hortus Botanicus Karalitanus, Sardinia University of Catania, Sicily Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete Agricultural Research Institute, Cyprus Department of Forests, Cyprus